Photostory about one little man

Children photographer in Barcelona, avilaible worldwideA child’s laugh could simply be one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.(c)

Let me present you this little and sweet “man” whose name is Xavi and even seems he’s a fidget creature, I would say he’s shyly and… well, it was love at first sight. Usualy I’m quite nervious one or two days before the photosession, especially with children, but in this case was a little bit different. I already knew this little man for some months what made our team as a model and photographer well combined. I’ll never forget he was repeating all the time how big are his minuscules (mini muscules), 4th photo confirmed it..To tell the truth, family or children photography isn’t the easiest work, but when I see a fruitful result it makes me the happiest and satisfied person. He’s so cute, isn’t he? I would love to have more child-models as Xavi was that day. Nowdays this guy is 2 years older and I guess one day we´ll repeat photosession in Barcelona or somewhere else, may be when he’s 18 haha I leave you to admire some photographs from Parque del Laberinto situated in Barcelona. Enjoy!

Lena Karelova Photography capturing very special moments of your life and your childrenFamily and Children photographer located in Barcelona and available worldwide.Welcome to the personal blog of photographer from barcelonaFamily photographer Lena Karelova living in barcelona and available worldwide.

Hello February

Hoy damos la bienvenida a Febrero, lo que significa que estamos muy cerca a que llegue la primavera! Yuuhuu! Con este post quiero inaugurar un

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